Current Build Version: 10002
Utility Index
File Management Tools
dt_CombTxtFiles – Combine all text files in a folder to a single text file.
dt_LsDirTxt – List a directory recursively and send output to a text file.
dt_lsDirScreen – List a directory recursively and send output to the screen.
dt_EncryDecypFileScreen – Encrypt or Decrypt a file with SHA256.
dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen – Backup a folder to a zip file (Allows for validation of files after zipping)
dt_ZipMultipleFilesScreen – Specify Multiple files into a zip file
Email Tools
dt_EmlRetAttFolder – Retrieve the attachments from an imap box and dump them into a folder.
dt_EmailValidationScreen – Utility that checks if an email address domain has a mx record assosiated with it
dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen – Check if a domain is correctly secured for emails (Checks DMARC, DKIM and SPF)
Security Tools
dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen – Send File to VirusTotal to test against multiple antivirus engines.
dt_SecurityKey – Interface to andrino security key the source code for the key will be provided.
dt_EncryptOrDecryptTextScreen – Encrypt or Decrypt Text using SHA256 uses base64 when passing string for compatability for websites
Windows Tools
dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen – Print to screen all the bitlocker information o the current machine
AI Tools
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt – OCR a document using Google Vision AI and send output to a text file.
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen – OCR a document using Google Vision AI and send output to the screen.
dt_ImgAnalGoogleScreen – Analyze an image and create tags using Google Vision AI, send output to screen.
dt_ImgAnalGoogleTxt – Analyze an image and create tags using Google Vision AI and send the output to a text file.
dt_AiGroqScreen – Query Groq API and send output to the screen.
dt_AiGroqTxt – Query Groq API and send output to a text file.
dt_AIChatGroqScreen – Query Groq API with basic memory of previous requests and send output to the screen.
dt_TextToSpeechGroq – sends text to groq then relays response to windows built in voices and plays audio back
dt_APIKeyValidationGroqScreen – Validate Groq API Key
dt_ImgQueryOpenAIScreen – Query an image using OpenAI with a context and send the output to the screen.
dt_ImgDescOpenAIScreen – Send an image to OpenAI and get a basic description of it and send it to the screen.
dt_AIOpenAIScreen – Query OpenAI API and send output to the screen.
dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen – Check if a OpenAi Api Key is valid or not
dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen – Converts mp3 audio file to text.
dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen – Utilize LM Studio for Local AI chat queries
dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen – Utilize LM Studio for Local AI image queries
dt_AudioVoiceMp3OpenAIFile – Utilize OpenAI Voices and generate audio mp3 file from text.
Image/Document Tools
dt_PdfToPngFile – Convert a PDF to a PNG.
dt_PdfToTiffFile – Convert a PDF to a TIFF.
dt_PdfEncrFile – Encrypt a PDF with a Password.
dt_SplitTiffFile – Split a TIFF File into single pages.
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt – OCR a document using Tesseract.
dt_ImgToPNGFile – Convert most image types to png for usage with OpenAI
dt_BarcodeGeneratorPng – Barcode generation application
dt_QRGeneratorToPng – QRCode Generator
Video/Audio Tools
dt_VideoToAudioFile – converts video to a mp3 file
dt_PassiveAudio – runs in background and when a key word activates application sends any commands afterwards to webserver for use
dt_SpeechToTextScreen – activates microphone and converts audio to text
dt_TextToDirectAudio – Converts Text to audio using windows built in voices and then plays audio
dt_TextToSpeechMp3 – Converts Text to audio using windows built in voices and converts audio to mp3
Web Tools
dt_WebsiteCheckScreen – Check if a website is up or not.
Messaging Tools
dt_MessageTelegramPictureScreen – Send message and image to Telegram group or individual
dt_MessageTelegramScreen – Send message to Telegram group or individual
dt_MonitorTelegramBot – Monitor Telegram bot for incoming messages and relay to webserver
dt_MonitorTelegramChannelScreen– Monitor Telegram bot in specific group for incoming messages and relay to webserver
dt_NotificationPushover – Send message via Pushover
Miscellaneous Tools
dt_TextTranslationScreen – Autodetect language and translate to selected language.
dt_SerialMonitorInteractiveScreen – Monitor Serial Com port with interactive console.
dt_CombTxtFiles Documentation
dt_CombTxtFiles is a command-line utility that combines multiple text files in a specified folder and saves the combined content to a single output file. This tool is useful for consolidating log files, combining data from multiple files, or merging text content from various sources.
To use dt_CombTxtFiles, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_CombTxtFiles.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing
with the path to the folder containing the text files andoutput_file_name
with the desired name for the output file:
dt_CombTxtFiles.exe folder_path output_file_name
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
: The path to the folder containing the text files to be combined. This path should include the folder name and any subfolders, but not the file names.output_file_name
: The name of the output file where the combined content will be saved.
Suppose you have a folder named logs
containing multiple text files named log1.txt
, log2.txt
, log3.txt
, and so on. You want to combine these files into a single output file named combined_logs.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_CombTxtFiles.exe C:\logs combined_logs.txt
This will combine the contents of all the text files in the logs
folder and save the result to a file named combined_logs.txt
in the same directory.
The output file will be created in the same directory as the executable, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
dt_CombTxtFiles assumes that all files in the specified folder are text files and can be read and combined successfully.
If any errors occur during the combination process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen Documentation
dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe is a command-line utility that uses LM Studio AI to describe an image. This tool is useful for generating natural language descriptions of images, which can be used for a variety of applications such as image search, image captioning, and image analysis.
To use dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required options with your own values:
dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe [-h] [--base_url BASE_URL] [--api_key API_KEY] [--model MODEL] --image_path IMAGE_PATH [--content CONTENT] [--prompt PROMPT]
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--base_url BASE_URL
: The base URL of the LM Studio AI. This is required for the image description functionality.--api_key API_KEY
: The API key for the OpenAI server. This is required for the image description functionality.--model MODEL
: The model to use for image description. You can choose from the models supported by LM Studio AI.--image_path IMAGE_PATH
: The path to the image file. This is the image that you want to describe.--content CONTENT
: The content to be used in the chat. This is optional, but can be used to provide additional context for the image description.--prompt PROMPT
: The prompt to be used in the chat. This is the starting point for the image description.
Suppose you want to describe an image file named image.jpg
using the ada
model, with a prompt of “Describe the image”. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe --base_url --api_key YOUR_API_KEY --model ada --image_path image.jpg --prompt "Describe the image"
This will use LM Studio AI to describe the image file, and will display the description in the console.
- Make sure to replace
with your actual OpenAI API key. - The output of the image description will be displayed in the console.
- dt_ImgQueryLMStudioScreen.exe assumes that the LM Studio AI is available and accessible at the specified base URL. If the URL is invalid or the AI is not available, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen Documentation
dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe is a command-line utility that allows you to chat with LM Studio AI using a specified model and prompt. This tool is useful for testing and exploring the capabilities of LM Studio AI, as well as for generating text based on a specific topic or theme.
To use dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required options with your own values:
dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe [-h] [--base_url BASE_URL] [--api_key API_KEY] [--model MODEL] [--prompt PROMPT] --messages MESSAGES [--temperature TEMPERATURE]
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--base_url BASE_URL
: The base URL of the LM Studio AI. This is required for the chat functionality.--api_key API_KEY
: The API key for the OpenAI server. This is required for the chat functionality.--model MODEL
: The model to use for chat. You can choose from the models supported by LM Studio AI.--prompt PROMPT
: The prompt to use for the chat. This is the starting point for the conversation.--messages MESSAGES
: The messages to be used in the chat. You can specify multiple messages separated by commas.--temperature TEMPERATURE
: The temperature for the chat. This controls the level of creativity and randomness in the responses.
Suppose you want to chat with LM Studio AI using the ada
model, with a prompt of “What is the weather like today?”, and with the messages “Hello” and “How are you?”. To do this, run the following command:
dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe --base_url --api_key YOUR_API_KEY --model ada --prompt "What is the weather like today?" --messages "Hello, How are you?" --temperature 0.5
This will start a chat session with LM Studio AI using the specified model and prompt, and will respond to the messages you provide.
- Make sure to replace
with your actual OpenAI API key. - The output of the chat session will be displayed in the console.
- dt_AIChatLMStudioScreen.exe assumes that the LM Studio AI is available and accessible at the specified base URL. If the URL is invalid or the AI is not available, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen Documentation
dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe is a command-line utility that transcribes an audio file using OpenAI’s speech-to-text technology. This tool is useful for converting audio recordings into text format, making it easier to search, analyze, and share the content.
To use dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing
with the path to the audio file you want to transcribe:
dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe [-h] [--api_key API_KEY] [--model MODEL] audio_file
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--api_key API_KEY
: Your OpenAI API key. This is required for the transcription process.--model MODEL
: The OpenAI model to use for transcription. The default model iswhisper-1
. You can choose from other models supported by OpenAI.
Positional Arguments
: The path to the audio file to transcribe.
Suppose you have an audio file named meeting.mp3
in the audio_files
directory. You want to transcribe this file using OpenAI. To do this, run the following command:
dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe --api_key YOUR_API_KEY --model whisper-1 audio_files/meeting.mp3
This will transcribe the audio file using the specified OpenAI model and save the output to a text file.
- Make sure to replace
with your actual OpenAI API key. - The output text file will be saved in the same directory as the script, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
- dt_AudioToTextOpenAIScreen.exe assumes that the audio file is in a format supported by OpenAI. If the file is not supported, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen Documentation
dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen is a command-line utility that checks a domain for DMARC, DKIM, and SPF configuration. This tool is useful for evaluating the email security posture of a domain, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and providing recommendations for improvement.
To use dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing domain with the domain to be checked:
dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen.exe domain
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
domain: The domain to check for DMARC, DKIM, and SPF configuration.
Suppose you want to check the email security configuration of the domain To do this, run the following command:
This will analyze the DMARC, DKIM, and SPF configuration of the domain and provide a report on the results.
- dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen assumes that the domain exists and can be queried successfully.
- The tool may not be able to check all aspects of the domain’s email security configuration, and the results should be used as a guide rather than a definitive assessment.
- The output of the tool may include recommendations for improving the domain’s email security posture.
By using dt_EmailSecurityCheckScreen, you can gain valuable insights into the email security configuration of a domain and take steps to improve its security and protect against email-based threats.
dt_WebsiteCheckScreen Documentation
dt_WebsiteCheckScreen is a command-line utility that checks if a website is up or down. This tool is useful for monitoring the availability of websites and detecting any issues that may be affecting their accessibility.
To use dt_WebsiteCheckScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_WebsiteCheckScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing url with the URL of the website to check:
dt_WebsiteCheckScreen.exe url
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
url: The URL of the website to check.
Suppose you want to check if a website named is up or down. To do this, run the following command:
This will check if the website is accessible and provide a report on the results.
- dt_WebsiteCheckScreen assumes that the website exists and can be accessed successfully.
- The tool may not be able to check all aspects of the website’s availability, and the results should be used as a guide rather than a definitive assessment.
- The tool disables SSL verification for testing, which may not be suitable for production environments.
By using dt_WebsiteCheckScreen, you can quickly and easily check if a website is up or down and take steps to troubleshoot any issues that may be affecting its accessibility.
dt_VideoToAudioFile Documentation
dt_VideoToAudioFile is a command-line utility that converts a video file to an MP3 audio file. This tool is useful for extracting the audio from a video file and saving it as a separate MP3 file.
This reqires FFMPEG to be setup on the pc for the conversion of video to a mp3 file.
To use dt_VideoToAudioFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_VideoToAudioFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing input_file with the path to the input video file and output_file with the path to the output MP3 file:
dt_VideoToAudioFile.exe input_file output_file
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
-a AUDIO_BITRATE, –audio_bitrate AUDIO_BITRATE: Sets the audio bitrate. The default is 128.
-r AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, –audio_sample_rate AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE: Sets the audio sample rate. The default is 44100.
-c AUDIO_CHANNELS, –audio_channels AUDIO_CHANNELS: Sets the number of audio channels. The default is 2.
-v, –verbose: Enables verbose output, providing detailed information about the conversion process.
Positional Arguments
input_file: The path to the input video file to be converted.
output_file: The path to the output MP3 file.
Suppose you want to convert a video file named video.mp4 to an MP3 file named audio.mp3. To do this, run the following command:
dt_VideoToAudioFile.exe C:\video.mp4 C:\audio.mp3
This will convert the video.mp4 file to an MP3 file named audio.mp3.
- dt_VideoToAudioFile assumes that the input video file exists and can be read successfully.
- The tool may not be able to convert all types of video files to MP3 files, and the output file may not be compatible with all applications.
- The output MP3 file will be created in the same directory as the executable, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
By using dt_VideoToAudioFile, you can easily extract the audio from a video file and save it as a separate MP3 file.
dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen Documentation
dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen is a command-line utility that uploads files to VirusTotal for analysis. This tool is useful for scanning files for malware, viruses, and other types of threats, and for monitoring the security of your systems and networks.
To use dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing APIKEY with your VirusTotal API key, PATH with the path to the file or directory to upload, and WORKERS with the number of concurrent workers:
dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen.exe –apikey APIKEY –path PATH [–workers WORKERS]
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
–apikey APIKEY: Your VirusTotal API key. This is required to upload files to VirusTotal.
–path PATH: The path to the file or directory to upload. This can be a single file or a directory containing multiple files.
–workers WORKERS: The number of concurrent workers to use when uploading files to VirusTotal. This can help speed up the process, but may also increase the load on your system and VirusTotal’s servers.
Suppose you want to upload a file named malware.exe to VirusTotal for analysis. To do this, run the following command:
dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen.exe –apikey YOUR_API_KEY –path C:\malware.exe
This will upload the malware.exe file to VirusTotal and provide a report on the results.
- dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen assumes that you have a valid VirusTotal API key and that the file or directory to upload exists and can be read successfully.
- The tool may take some time to upload and analyze the files, depending on the size of the files and the number of concurrent workers.
- The output of the tool may include a report on the results of the analysis, including any detected threats and their severity.
By using dt_VirusCheckVirusTotalScreen, you can quickly and easily scan files for malware and other types of threats, and take steps to protect your systems and networks from potential security risks.
dt_ImgToPNGFile Documentation
dt_ImgToPNGFile is a command-line utility that converts an image file to a PNG file. This tool is useful for converting images to a format that can be easily shared or used in applications that require PNG files.
To use dt_ImgToPNGFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_ImgToPNGFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing input_file with the path to the input image file and output_file with the path to the output PNG file:
dt_ImgToPNGFile.exe input_file output_file
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
input_file: The path to the input image file to be converted.
output_file: The path to the output PNG file.
Suppose you want to convert an image file named image.jpg to a PNG file named image.png. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgToPNGFile.exe C:\image.jpg C:\image.png
This will convert the image.jpg file to a PNG file named image.png.
- dt_ImgToPNGFile assumes that the input image file exists and can be read successfully.
- The tool may not be able to convert all types of images to PNG files, and the output file may not be compatible with all applications.
- The output PNG file will be created in the same directory as the executable, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
By using dt_ImgToPNGFile, you can easily convert images to PNG files and use them in a variety of applications.
dt_EncryDecypFileScreen Documentation
dt_EncryDecypFileScreen is a command-line utility that encrypts or decrypts a file using a provided password. This tool is useful for securing sensitive data, protecting files from unauthorized access, and maintaining data confidentiality.
To use dt_EncryDecypFileScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_EncryDecypFileScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing file_path with the path to the file to be encrypted or decrypted, password with the password to use, and {encrypt,decrypt} with the desired mode:
dt_EncryDecypFileScreen.exe file_path password {encrypt,decrypt}
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
file_path: The path to the file to be encrypted or decrypted.
password: The password to use for encryption or decryption.
{encrypt,decrypt}: The mode to use. Choose either “encrypt” to encrypt the file or “decrypt” to decrypt the file.
Suppose you have a file named sensitive_data.txt that you want to encrypt using the password “my_secret_password”. To do this, run the following command:
dt_EncryDecypFileScreen.exe C:\sensitive_data.txt my_secret_password encrypt
This will encrypt the contents of the file and save the result to a new file named sensitive_data.txt.
- The output file will be created in the same directory as the executable, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
- dt_EncryDecypFileScreen assumes that the file exists and can be read and encrypted or decrypted successfully.
- If any errors occur during the encryption or decryption process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
By using dt_EncryDecypFileScreen, you can securely encrypt and decrypt your files to maintain data confidentiality and protect sensitive information.
dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen Documentation
dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen is a command-line utility that backs up a folder to a zip file. This tool is useful for creating backups of important data, archiving files, and maintaining data integrity.
To use dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing folder_path with the path to the folder to be backed up and backup_location with the directory where you want to save the backup:
dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen.exe folder_path backup_location
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
-v, –verbose: Enables verbose output, providing detailed information about the backup process.
–validate: Validates the zip file after backup, ensuring that the file is complete and intact.
Positional Arguments
folder_path: The path to the folder you want to backup.
backup_location: The directory where you want to save the backup.
Suppose you have a folder named documents that you want to backup to a zip file named To do this, run the following command:
dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen.exe C:\documents D:\backups\
This will create a zip file named in the D:\backups directory, containing the contents of the documents folder.
- dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen assumes that the folder exists and can be read successfully.
- If any errors occur during the backup process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- The –validate option can be used to ensure that the zip file is complete and intact after backup.
By using dt_BackupFolderToZipScreen, you can easily create backups of your important data and maintain data integrity.
dt_EmlRetAttFolder Documentation
dt_EmlRetAttFolder is a command-line utility that connects to an IMAP mailbox, extracts attachments from emails, and saves them to a specified folder on the local file system. This tool is useful for retrieving attachments from emails and storing them in a centralized location for further processing or analysis.
- Save the dt_EmlRetAttFolder.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_EmlRetAttFolder.exe <Imap Server> <Imap Username> <Imap Password> <Imap Folder> <Attachment Folder> <Xml Save Dir>
-h, --help
: Show this help message and exit--delete-emails
: Delete emails after processing
Positional Arguments
: The hostname or IP address of the IMAP server to connect to.IMAP_USERNAME
: The username to use for authentication with the IMAP server.IMAP_PASSWORD
: The password to use for authentication with the IMAP server.IMAP_FOLDER
: The IMAP folder to search for emails and attachments.ATTACHMENT_FOLDER
: The folder to save attachments.XML_SAVE_DIR
: The directory to save XML files.
Suppose you want to connect to an IMAP mailbox at
using the username
and password Password.1
, extract attachments to a folder named C:\TestExtractionFolder\
, and delete the emails from the mailbox. To do this, run the following command:
dt_EmlRetAttFolder.exe Password.1 "INBOX" "C:\TestExtractionFolder\" "C:\XmlSaveDir\" --delete-emails
If any errors occur during the extraction process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
The DeleteEmails
option is optional, but if set to true
, the emails will be permanently deleted from the IMAP mailbox after extracting the attachments.
dt_EmlRetAttFolder assumes that the IMAP server is configured to allow connections and that the specified username and password are valid.
The tool will extract attachments from all emails in the specified mailbox, including subfolders.
The attachments will be saved to the specified local folder, with the original file name and extension preserved.
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt Documentation
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt is a command-line utility that uses the Google Cloud Vision API to analyze an image and extract text from it. This tool is useful for optical character recognition (OCR) tasks, such as converting scanned documents or images of text into editable text files.
To use dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt.exe [-h] [--key-file KEY_FILE] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] image_file
Positional Arguments
: The path to the PNG image file to be analyzed.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--key-file KEY_FILE
: The path to the service account key file for the Google Cloud Vision API. This file is required for authentication.--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
: The path to the output text file where the extracted text will be saved.
Suppose you have a PNG image file named image.png
in the C:\Images
directory, and you want to extract the text from it using the Google Cloud Vision API. To do this, run the following command:
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt.exe --key-file "C:\Path\To\Key\File.json" --output-file "C:\Output\Text.txt" "C:\Images\image.png"
dt_OcrTxtGoogleTxt requires a service account key file to authenticate with the Google Cloud Vision API. You can create a key file by following the instructions on the Google Cloud Console website.
The tool will analyze the image using the Google Cloud Vision API and extract text from it. The extracted text will be saved to the specified output file.
The output file will contain the extracted text in plain text format, with each line representing a separate text block.
If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen Documentation
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen is a command-line utility that uses the Google Cloud Vision API to analyze an image and extract text from it. This tool is useful for optical character recognition (OCR) tasks, such as converting scanned documents or images of text into editable text files.
To use dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen follow these steps:
- Save the dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen.exe [-h] [--key-file KEY_FILE] image_file
Positional Arguments
: The path to the PNG image file to be analyzed.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--key-file KEY_FILE
: The path to the service account key file for the Google Cloud Vision API. This file is required for authentication.
Suppose you have a PNG image file named image.png
in the C:\Images
directory, and you want to extract the text from it using the Google Cloud Vision API. To do this, run the following command:
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen.exe --key-file "C:\Path\To\Key\File.json" "C:\Images\image.png"
dt_OcrTxtGoogleScreen requires a service account key file to authenticate with the Google Cloud Vision API. You can create a key file by following the instructions on the Google Cloud Console website.
The tool will analyze the image using the Google Cloud Vision API and extract text from it. The extracted text will be displayed to the specified output file.
The output file will contain the extracted text in plain text format, with each line representing a separate text block.
If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen Documentation
dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen.exe is a command-line utility that scans your local machine for BitLocker-enabled drives and extracts the BitLocker keys and drive details. This tool is useful for administrators and IT professionals who need to manage and troubleshoot BitLocker-enabled devices.
To use dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen.exe, follow these steps:
Save the dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
Run the following command:
usage: dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen.exe
To run the tool and extract the BitLocker keys and drive details, simply run the command:
The tool will scan your local machine for BitLocker-enabled drives and print out the BitLocker keys and drive details in a table format.
The tool will output a table with the following columns:
- Drive Letter: The drive letter of the BitLocker-enabled drive.
- Drive Path: The path of the BitLocker-enabled drive.
- BitLocker Status: The status of BitLocker on the drive (enabled or disabled).
- Recovery Key: The BitLocker recovery key for the drive.
- Recovery Password: The BitLocker recovery password for the drive.
Error Handling
If any errors occur during the scan process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_ExtrctBitLockerDataScreen.exe requires administrative privileges to run.
dt_AiGroqScreen Documentation
dt_AiGroqScreen is a command-line utility that uses the Groq AI Chat API to engage in a conversation with a user. This tool is useful for testing and exploring the capabilities of the Groq AI model.
To use dt_AiGroqScreen, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_AiGroqScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_AiGroqScreen.exe [-h] --api-key API_KEY --model MODEL prompt message
Positional Arguments
: The prompt to be used for the chat.message
: The message to be used for the chat.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--api-key API_KEY
: The Groq API key required for authentication.--model MODEL
: The model to use for the chat. This can be one of the pre-trained models provided by Groq, such asllama3-8b-8192
Suppose you want to engage in a conversation with the Groq AI model using the llama3-8b-8192
model and your API key is YOUR_API_KEY
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_AiGroqScreen.exe --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --model llama3-8b-8192 "Hello, how are you?" "I'm doing well, thanks. How about you?"
The --api-key
and --model
options are required, and the prompt
and message
options are required.
dt_AiGroqScreen requires a valid Groq API key to authenticate with the Groq AI Chat API. You can obtain an API key by signing up for a Groq account.
The tool will send the prompt and message to the Groq AI model and display the response in the console.
The response will be the output of the Groq AI model, which may include text, images, or other media.
If any errors occur during the conversation, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_AiGroqTxt Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses the Groq AI Chat API to generate responses to prompts and saves the output to a file. This tool is useful for automating chatbot interactions, generating text content, or integrating with other applications.
To use dt_AiGroqTxt.
exe, follow these steps:
- Save the
exe file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_AiGroqTxt.exe --api-key <API_KEY> --model <MODEL> prompt message output_file
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--api-key <API_KEY>
: The Groq API key required for authentication.--model <MODEL>
: The model to use for generating responses (e.g. llama3-8b-8192, llama2-7b-512).
Positional Arguments
: The prompt to be used for the chat.message
: The message to be used for the chat.output_file
: The file to write the output to.
Suppose you want to use the llama3-8b-8192
model to generate a response to the prompt “What is the weather like today?” and save the output to a file named weather_response.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_AiGroqTxt.exe --api-key YOUR_API_KEY --model llama3-8b-8192 "What is the weather like today?" "Please respond with the current weather conditions." weather_response.txt
- The
exe script assumes that the Groq API key and model are valid and can be used to generate responses. - If any errors occur during the response generation process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- The output file will be created in the same directory as the script, unless a different directory is specified as part of the output file name.
dt_ImgAnalGoogleScreen Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses Google Cloud Vision API to analyze images and extract relevant information. This tool is useful for automating image tagging, content analysis, and other image processing tasks.
To use dt_ImgAnalGoogleScreen.
exe, follow these steps:
- Save the
exe file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_ImgAnalGoogleScreen.exe --image <IMAGE_FILE> --credentials <CREDENTIALS_FILE>
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--image <IMAGE_FILE>
: The path to the image file to be analyzed.--credentials <CREDENTIALS_FILE>
: The path to the credentials file required for authentication with the Google Cloud Vision API.
Suppose you want to analyze an image file named image.jpg
and save the output to a file named image_analysis.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgAnalGoogleScreen.exe --image image.jpg --credentials /path/to/credentials.json
- The
script assumes that the image file is valid and can be analyzed by the Google Cloud Vision API. - If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- The credentials file should contain the necessary authentication information for the Google Cloud Vision API.
dt_ImgAnalGoogleTxt Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses the Google Cloud Vision API to analyze an image and extract relevant information. This tool is useful for automating image tagging, content analysis, and other image processing tasks.
To use dt_ImgAnalGoogleTxt.exe
, follow these steps:
- Save the
file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_ImgAnalGoogleTxt.exe --image <IMAGE_FILE> --credentials <CREDENTIALS_FILE> [--output <OUTPUT_FILE>]
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--image <IMAGE_FILE>
: The path to the image file to be analyzed.--credentials <CREDENTIALS_FILE>
: The path to the credentials file required for authentication with the Google Cloud Vision API.--output <OUTPUT_FILE>
: The path to the output file (default:tags.txt
). This file will contain the extracted information from the image.
Suppose you want to analyze an image file named image.jpg
using your Google Cloud Vision API credentials and save the output to a file named image_tags.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgAnalGoogleTxt.exe --image image.jpg --credentials /path/to/credentials.json --output image_tags.txt
This will analyze the image and extract relevant information, which will be saved to the image_tags.txt
- The
exe script assumes that the image file exists and can be read. - If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- Make sure to replace
with the actual path to your Google Cloud Vision API credentials file.
dt_ImgQueryOpenAIScreen Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini model to analyze an image and perform a specific action based on the context provided. This tool is useful for automating image analysis, generating image descriptions, or integrating with other applications.
To use dt_ImgQueryOpenAIScreen.exe
, follow these steps:
- Save the
file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_ImgQueryOpenAIScreen.exe <image_path> <api_key> <context>
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
: The path to the image file to be analyzed.api_key
: Your OpenAI API key required for authentication.context
: What do you want the AI to do with the image? (e.g. “Describe the image”, “Generate a caption”, “Identify objects”, etc.)
Suppose you want to analyze an image file named image.jpg
using your OpenAI API key and ask the AI to describe the image. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgQueryOpenAIScreen.exe image.jpg YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY "Describe the image"
This will generate a description of the image using OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini model.
- The
script assumes that the image file exists and can be read. - If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- Make sure to replace
with your actual OpenAI API key. - The
argument determines what action the AI will perform on the image. You can specify different contexts to get different results.
dt_EmailValidationScreen Documentation
dt_EmailValidationScreen.exe is a command-line utility that tests if a domain has a MX record. This tool is useful for validating email addresses and checking if a domain is properly configured for email delivery.
To use dt_EmailValidationScreen.exe, follow these steps:
Save the dt_EmailValidationScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
Run the following command, replacing the placeholder with the actual value:
usage: dt_EmailValidationScreen.exe [-h] email
Positional Arguments
email: The email address to test.
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Suppose you want to test if the email “” has a MX record. To do this, run the following command:
If the domain has a MX record, the program will output a success message. If the domain does not have a MX record, the program will output an error message.
dt_EmailValidationScreen.exe requires no additional setup or configuration. Simply run the command and the program will perform the test.
The program will output a success message if the domain has a MX record, or an error message if the domain does not have a MX record.
Error Handling
If any errors occur during the test process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_ImgDescOpenAIScreen Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini model to analyze an image and generate a description of the image. This tool is useful for automating image analysis, generating image descriptions, or integrating with other applications.
To use dt_ImgDescOpenAIScreen.exe
, follow these steps:
- Save the
file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_ImgDescOpenAIScreen.exe <image_path> <api_key>
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
: The path to the image file to be analyzed.api_key
: Your OpenAI API key required for authentication.
Suppose you want to analyze an image file named image.jpg
using your OpenAI API key. To do this, run the following command:
dt_ImgDescOpenAIScreen.exe image.jpg YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY
This will generate a description of the image using OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini model.
- The
exe script assumes that the image file exists and can be read. - If any errors occur during the analysis process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- Make sure to replace
with your actual OpenAI API key.
dt_AIChatGroqScreen Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that uses the Groq AI Chat API to engage in a chat conversation. This tool is useful for automating chatbot interactions, generating text content, or integrating with other applications.
To use dt_AIChatGroqScreen.exe
, follow these steps:
- Save the
file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required arguments with the desired values:
dt_AIChatGroqScreen.exe [prompt] [message]
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.--clear
: Clears the chat history.--load LOAD
: Loads a previous chat history from a file.--api-key API_KEY
: The Groq API key required for authentication.--model MODEL
: The model to use for generating responses (e.g. llama3-8b-8192, llama2-7b-512, etc.).
Positional Arguments
: The prompt to be used for the chat.message
: The message to be used for the chat.
Suppose you want to engage in a chat conversation using the llama3-8b-8192
model and clear the chat history before starting. To do this, run the following command:
dt_AIChatGroqScreen.exe --clear --model llama3-8b-8192 "Hello, how are you?" "I'm doing well, thanks for asking."
This will start a new chat conversation using the specified model and clear the chat history before sending the initial message.
- The
script assumes that the Groq API key and model are valid and can be used to generate responses. - If any errors occur during the chat conversation, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
- The chat history can be saved to a file using the
option, and loaded again using the same option.
dt_LsDirTxt Documentation
dt_LsDirTxt is a command-line utility that lists the contents of a specified directory and its subfolders, including full paths for files, encapsulated in quotes. This tool is useful for generating a text file containing a list of files and directories in a specific format.
To use dt_LsDirTxt, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_LsDirTxt.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_LsDirTxt.exe [-h] directory output_file
Positional Arguments
: The directory to list, including its path.output_file
: The file to write the output to.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Suppose you want to list the contents of the C:\Users\username\Documents
directory and its subfolders, and write the output to a file named output.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_LsDirTxt.exe "C:\Users\username\Documents" output.txt
The directory
and output_file
options are required.
dt_LsDirTxt lists the contents of the specified directory and its subfolders, including files and directories.
The output file will contain a list of files and directories, with each item on a new line, and the full path encapsulated in quotes.
If any errors occur during the listing process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_LsDirScreen Documentation
exe is a command-line utility that lists the contents of a specified directory and its subfolders, including full paths for files, encapsulated in quotes. This tool is useful for quickly inspecting the contents of a directory and its subdirectories, or for generating a list of files and directories for further processing.
To use dt_lsDirScreen.exe
, follow these steps:
- Save the
exe file to a directory on your system. - Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
- Run the following command, replacing the required argument with the desired value:
dt_lsDirScreen.exe <DIRECTORY>
-h, --help
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Positional Arguments
: The directory to list. This can be a file system path or a directory name.
Suppose you want to list the contents of the C:\Users\username\Documents
directory and its subfolders. To do this, run the following command:
dt_lsDirScreen.exe C:\Users\username\Documents
This will output a list of files and directories, including their full paths, encapsulated in quotes.
- The
exe script assumes that the specified directory exists and can be read. - If any errors occur during the listing process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_PdfToPngFile Documentation
dt_PdfToPngFile is a command-line utility that converts a PDF file to a series of PNG images. This tool is useful for converting PDF files to a format that can be easily manipulated and processed by other applications.
* This utility requires poppler for the pdf conversion download below:
To use dt_PdfToPngFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_PdfToPngFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_PdfToPngFile.exe [input_pdf_file] [output_folder]
: The path to the input PDF file.output_folder
: The path to the output folder where the PNG images will be saved.
Suppose you want to convert the example.pdf
file to a series of PNG images and save them in the output/
folder. To do this, run the following command:
dt_PdfToPngFile.exe example.pdf output/
The input_pdf_file
and output_folder
options are required.
dt_PdfToPngFile converts the input PDF file to a series of PNG images, one image per page.
The output folder will contain a separate PNG file for each page in the input PDF file.
If any errors occur during the conversion process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_PdfToTiffFile Documentation
dt_PdfToTiffFile is a command-line utility that converts a PDF file to a TIFF image file. This tool is useful for converting PDF files to a format that can be easily manipulated and processed by other applications.
To use dt_PdfToTiffFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_PdfToTiffFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_PdfToTiffFile.exe <input_pdf_filename> <output_tiff_filename>
: The path to the input PDF file.<output_tiff_filename>
: The path to the output TIFF file.
Suppose you want to convert the example.pdf
file to a TIFF image file named example.tiff
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_PdfToTiffFile.exe example.pdf example.tiff
The <input_pdf_filename>
and <output_tiff_filename>
options are required.
dt_PdfToTiffFile converts the input PDF file to a single TIFF image file.
The output TIFF file will contain all the pages from the input PDF file.
If any errors occur during the conversion process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_PdfEncrFile Documentation
dt_PdfEncrFile is a command-line utility that encrypts a PDF file with a password. This tool is useful for securing sensitive information contained in PDF files.
To use dt_PdfEncrFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_PdfEncrFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_PdfEncrFile.exe [-h] input_pdf output_pdf password
Positional Arguments
: The path to the input PDF file.output_pdf
: The path to the output encrypted PDF file.password
: The password to use for encrypting the PDF file.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Suppose you want to encrypt the example.pdf
file with the password mypassword
and save the encrypted file as example_encrypted.pdf
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_PdfEncrFile.exe example.pdf example_encrypted.pdf mypassword
The input_pdf
, output_pdf
, and password
options are required.
dt_PdfEncrFile encrypts the input PDF file with the specified password.
The output encrypted PDF file will be saved with the same name as the input file, but with the .encrypted
If any errors occur during the encryption process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_SplitTiffFile Documentation
dt_SplitTiffFile is a command-line utility that splits a multi-page TIFF image into individual pages. This tool is useful for processing large TIFF files that contain multiple pages.
To use dt_SplitTiffFile, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_SplitTiffFile.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_SplitTiffFile.exe [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] input_file
Positional Arguments
: The path to the input multi-page TIFF file.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.-o OUTPUT_DIR
,--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
: The output directory for the split pages.
Suppose you want to split the example.tif
file into individual pages and save them in the output/
directory. To do this, run the following command:
dt_SplitTiffFile.exe example.tif -o output/
The input_file
option is required, and the output_dir
option is optional.
dt_SplitTiffFile splits the input multi-page TIFF file into individual pages.
Each page will be saved as a separate TIFF file in the output directory.
If any errors occur during the splitting process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt Documentation
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt is a command-line utility that extracts text from a .tif image using Tesseract-OCR and saves it to a text file. This tool is useful for converting scanned documents or images of text into editable text files.
To use dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt, follow these steps:
- Save the dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt.exe file to a directory on your system.
- Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the executable.
- Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the actual values:
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt.exe [-h] image_path output_path
Positional Arguments
: The path to the .tif image file.output_path
: The path to save the extracted text file.
: Displays this help message and exits the program.
Suppose you want to extract text from the image.tif
file and save it to a text file named output.txt
. To do this, run the following command:
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt.exe image.tif output.txt
The image_path
and output_path
options are required.
dt_OcrTxtTesseractTxt uses Tesseract-OCR to extract text from the input .tif image file.
The extracted text will be saved to the specified output file.
If any errors occur during the extraction process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen Documentation
dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe is a command-line utility that checks the validity of an OpenAI API key. This tool is useful for verifying the authenticity and functionality of an OpenAI API key before using it in your application.
To use dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe, follow these steps:
Save the dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe file to a directory on your system.
Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
Run the following command, replacing API_KEY with the OpenAI API key you want to validate:
dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe –api-key API_KEY
-h, –help: Displays this help message and exits the program.
–api-key API_KEY: The OpenAI API key to be validated.
Suppose you have an OpenAI API key that you want to validate. To do this, run the following command:
dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe –api-key YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY
This will check the validity of the API key and display a success message if it is valid, or an error message if it is invalid.
The script assumes that the OpenAI API key is in the correct format and can be validated successfully.
If any errors occur during the validation process, the program will terminate and an error message will be displayed.
By using dt_APIKeyValidationOpenAIScreen.exe, you can ensure that your OpenAI API key is valid and functional before using it in your application.
Error: C:\Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
This error typically occurs when you’re trying to run a command or execute a batch file that contains a path or directory that’s not properly formatted or is not recognized by the system.
Here are some possible solutions to resolve this issue:
- There may be spaces in the pathing: If you’re trying to access a directory that’s part of the Program Files directory, you can use the “Program Files” or “Program Files (x86)”.
- Check for typos: Double-check your batch file or command for any typos or incorrect syntax. A single mistake can cause the command to fail.